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Zhongshan family awarded ‘Guangdong Top10 Intellectual Family’
Updated: 2018-08-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The award ceremony of The 13th “Guangdong Top10 Intellectual Family” was held on August 14 during the South China Book Festival. Zhongshan-based Sun Yongfeng's family, who has claimed the “Guangdong Top10 Intellectual Family” title, shared the feelings and experiences of “entire family reading” on the day.

Reportedly, Sun Yongfeng is a retired hydraulic engineer. The 63-year-old has collected over 30,000 books over years. In 2015, he opened a charitable book house, named “Volumes Tower”, at Gangkou with he and his wife’s million yuan saving. So far, more than 4,000 people have been attracted to “Volumes Tower” for reading activities. 

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