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The 1st ‘Lu Ban Star Craftsman’ skills competition held
Updated: 2018-08-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 1st Zhongshan “Lu Ban Star Craftsman” Furniture Industry Skills Competition organized jointly by Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Dachong Township Government kicked off at Chinese Rosewood Culture Expo City on August 15. A total of 95 craftsmen participated in the Worker Group and Student Group contest.

The awarding ceremony is held today. The best three of each group will be awarded 10,000 yuan at most.

Notably, the competition took place at the Rosewood Furniture School located inside Chinese Rosewood Culture Expo City. The school, opened officially in March, is expected to cultivate 200 to 500 new craftsmen for rosewood furniture industry per year.

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