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Enterprises pursue ‘green development’
Updated: 2018-08-20    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Sino-British Low Carbon Service Salon was jointly hosted by Carbon Trust and Zhongshan Xiaolan Low Carbon Development and Promotion Center recently, where “Construction of green supply chain” has become the prior topic. Experts believe that “green supply chain” can help enterprises seize the market opportunities.

In fact, in recent years, more and more companies started to participate in energy-saving reconstruction and green production. Reportedly, in 2015, total 10 products (food, clothing, auto parts, lock, light hardware, toy and coated paper) of 8 Zhongshan-based companies were included in the carbon footprint calculation program. In addition, increasing number of enterprises applied for “Carbon Labeling”.

Wu Yaxian, operation chief of Asian Office of Carbon Trust, believes “carbon footprint calculation” can make export approval easier for local companies in long term basis. Besides, companies can have better understanding of their energy consumption in production and management through “carbon footprint calculation”, and according to which they can improve internal management and control environmental risk.

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