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Sanxiang ranks 4th in ‘China’s Beautiful Villages’ vote
Updated: 2018-08-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The result of the final public vote of “The 2018 China’s Beautiful Villages” selection was announced on August 18. Sanxiang town of Zhongshan city took the 4th place and became the only town in Guangdong being among the top 10.

Since 2013, the “China’s Beautiful Villages” selection is organized to promote the urban-rural integration. This year’s activity have been upgraded and the final result will be announced in October. 

Sanxiang Town is a famous Lingnan cultural town with nearly a thousand years of history, and an overseas Chinese hometown in the Pearl River Delta. It was known as the “Little Macao” because of its fashion minds and developed business. A number of influential Chinese figures, including Zheng Guanying, were born there. In 2017 Sanxiang Town ranked 58th among the top 1,000 towns across the country. 

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