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Zhongshan speeds up strategic emerging industries development
Updated: 2018-08-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan recently introduced three action plans respectively for advanced equipment manufacturing, new generation of information technology and the pharmaceutical industry for the period 2018-2020. 

It is planned that in 5 years’ time the output value of above-scale advanced equipment manufacturing, new generation of information technology and the pharmaceutical industry will respectively reach 150bn yuan, 120bn yuan and 120 yuan.

Zhongshan will accelerate development of these three strategic emerging industries in the coming years. In terms of advanced equipment manufacturing industry, the city will develop an advanced equipment manufacturing base with core competitive power, and will focus on developing nine fields including intelligent manufacturing equipment, photoelectron device, new energy equipment, high-end medical device, energy-saving equipment, ocean engineering equipment, special equipment, new energy vehicle and key component, and machine tools. 

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