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New positioning of the starting area of Tsuihang New District
Updated: 2018-08-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the draft “Adjusted Regulatory Plan of The Starting Area of Tsuihang New District” released recently by Zhongshan Urban and Rural Planning Bureau and Tsuihang New District Administration, the starting area of Tsuihang New District will be positioned as the “Intelligent Coastal Town” incorporating intelligent manufacturing, technology finance, health medical treatment and ecological and living functions.

Reportedly, the starting area, which is 56.15sqm large, is located in the west bank of Pearl River and the North-eastern part of Tsuihang New District. The regulatory plan covers the planning of the 40.43sqm-large area including Ma’an Island, Tsuihang National Wetland Park and surrounding areas of the passenger terminal.

According to the adjusted regulatory plan, the projected land will be mainly for industrial and residential use. The urban construction land within will cover an area of 2120.63 hectares, including 203.9 hectares residential land, accounting for 9.62% of the total, and 1030.20 hectares industrial land, accounting for 48.58%. There will be also 4 primary schools, 3 junior high schools and 1 senior high school projected in the northern part of the starting area.

The regulatory plan also shows that there will be two urban railways penetrating the starting area in addition to highways, expressways, arterial roads, sub-arterial roads and access roads.

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