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32 citizens chosen as ‘Zhongshan Good People’ in the first half
Updated: 2018-08-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The on-site communication activity of moral model and the “Zhongshan Good People” for 2018 was held at Minzhong Cultural Square on the evening of August 21. Feng Junfeng, the 34-year-old firefighter, Han Ping, the 35-year-old hospital nurse, Liao Xinfang, the 48-year-old who has taken care of her family members with mental illness for 26 years, and Sun Yongfeng, the 63-year-old owner of the charitable book store “Volumes Tower”, shared their experiences with the audiences.

The “Zhongshan Good People” for quarter 1 and 2 of the year were announced during the activity and received the awards from representatives of Zhongshan-based "Chinese Good People" and moral model.

By the end of July, total 396 citizens were chosen as “Zhongshan Good People”, 32 of which were newly selected in the first half of this year. 

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