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HOME > News > Zhongshan’s invention patent application quantity up by 85% in H1
Zhongshan’s invention patent application quantity up by 85% in H1
Updated: 2018-08-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In the first half of 2018, the number of invention patent application in Zhongshan increased 85% from a year earlier to 4,298. 

Up to now, Zhongshan has won 1 national patent gold award, 24 national outstanding awards, 3 provincial patent gold awards and 19 provincial outstanding awards. Last year Zhongshan added 10 municipal patent gold awards and 18 municipal outstanding awards. These award-winning patents are mainly related to electronics, electrical appliances, communications, chemicals, equipment, medicine and other areas. 

So far, up to 151 high-tech and innovative enterprises based in Zhongshan have passed the national intellectual property management standard certification. There are 13 national intellectual property advantage enterprises, 13 provincial intellectual property demonstration enterprises and 38 provincial intellectual property advantage enterprises in Zhongshan.

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