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The funeral of Fang Cheng held in Beijing
Updated: 2018-08-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The funeral of Fang Cheng, Zhongshanese renowned cartoonist and essay writer, was held at Beijing Babaoshan Funeral Parlor on the morning of August 28. A Zhongshan condolence team, led by Deputy Mayor Xu Xiaoli on behalf of Zhongshan municipal party committee and government and formed by officials of Zhongshan municipal propaganda department, administration of press, publication, radio, film and television, and Nanlang township government, attended the farewell ceremony.

Fang Cheng’s lifetime friends including renowned Chinese actor Huang Hong, writer Li Hui, director of China News Cartoon Society Zhang Yaoning, cartoonist Chang Tiejun and Liu Manhua attended the funeral.

Huang Hong said that opusculum and cartoon can both bring joys and thoughts to people. He was inspired by Fang Cheng’s cartoon works for many times when he was creating opusculum. He described Fang Cheng as a venerable “People’s Artist” with professional excellence and moral integrity.

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