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Guzhen starts promoting ‘Lighting Origin Label’
Updated: 2018-09-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Guzhen announced to start promoting “Lighting Origin Label” though a press conference held on August 22.

The “Lighting Origin Label” is designed basing on “Guzhen trademark” and is also annotated with “Quality Lighting Products”. The label is mainly entrusted to qualified lighting manufacturers in Guzhen.

The utilization threshold of the label will be high, said Lu Zhenjian, member of Guzhen township party committee. The qualified companies will help expand the influence and reputation of lighting products made in Guzhen with the “Lighting Origin Label”.

Te promotion of the “Lighting Origin Label” goes well at present, said Zhou Dingxu, director of Guzhen Industrial and Commercial Sub-bureau. 100 companies are determined “key cultivation enterprise”, and the first users of the “Lighting Origin Label” will be announced at the autumn Guzhen Lighting Fair this year.

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