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Zhongshan Youth Red Education activity launched
Updated: 2018-09-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Veteran Feng Yong was telling "red stories". (Photo by Mai Huijin)

It was the Victory Memorial Day for the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression as well as the school opening day of the new term in Zhongshan on September 3.

Zhongshan Youth Red Education activity cum “The First Class” young pioneers activity was launched that day afternoon at Yanzhou Primary School of West District, where the first batch of “Zhongshan youth red educational bases” were announced inaugurated.

Reportedly, the first 14 “Zhongshan youth red educational bases” include Yang Yin’s Former Residence and Zhongshan Revolutionary History Museum. There are also 7 “youth red educational tour routes” established. 

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