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Zhongshan Terminal Building to launch convenience-for-people shuttle services
Updated: 2018-09-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Reporter learned on September 5 that Zhognshan Terminal Building launched a convenience-for-people measure. Citizens only need to make an appointment 24 hours in advance. The shuttle bus will pick up passengers from home to the terminal building. Then the passengers can transfer the airport express to each airport.

According the principal of Zhongshan Terminal Building, Zhongshan passengers can follow the WeChat Official Account of “Zhongshan Terminal Building”, book the ticket of airport express, and make an appointment by filling in the name, phone number and address of the passenger. It is noteworthy that WeChat does not support online ticket rescheduling now. If the passenger needs to change the schedule, please call the customer service number for consultation.

Reportedly, adults only needs 88 yuan and children only need 50 yuan departure from Zhongshan urban area to Zhongshan Yifeng Terminal Building and then to each airport. Adults needs 98 yuan and children need 60 yuan departure from townships.

In addition, Zhongshan Terminal Building also set pick-up station at urban area, Sanxiang, Dachong and other townships. Citizens also can take a shuttle bus to Zhongshan Terminal Building at designated location.

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