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Zhongshan plans to amend related documents of points-based system
Updated: 2018-09-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Migrant Population Management Office announced to amend related documents of points-based system for floating population through a notice released on September 7 on its official website and sought for public opinions.

The notice mentioned that in terms of applicant, the original condition of “working in Zhongshan for more than half a year” would be removed, and “paying social insurance for three months or longer” would be added.

In terms of dwelling, the notice mentioned to cancel “the ranking for qualification of applying public rental housing” and to add “migrant population with 100 points accumulated can apply for house renting subsidies”.

The notice also mentioned the requirements of applying for house renting subsidies.

Reportedly, citizens can provide feedback by September 21. 

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