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Hong Kong Sunwah Group donates a science museum to local school
Updated: 2018-09-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The donation ceremony of Choi Kai-yau Museum cum the opening of the “Natural Kindness, Hong Kong Love, Chinese Dream” Photo Exhibition was held at Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Secondary School on the morning of September 10. Standing Committee Member of CPPCC and Chairman of Hong Kong Sunwah Group (Sunwah) Choi Koon-shum handed over the donation check to the school’s principal on behalf of Sunwah.

Dating back to 1979, Zhongshanese Hong Kong industrialist Choi Kai-yau led the donation and raised the construction fund in order to resume the former county overseas Chinese middle school. He later initiated the education foundation, educational fund, art foundation and greening foundation for Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Secondary School after the school re-run. 

Choi Kai-yau’s main wish was to donate a museum to the school. In Choi Koon-shum’s view, the donation of Choi Kai-yau Museum is not only a fulfillment of his father’s unfinished wish, but also the continuation of Choi’s family's “give back to the hometown” spirit. “Wherever we go, we won’t forget the friendship of fellow countrymen, and we won’t forget that we are Zhongshanese.”

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