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Zhongshan lighting enterprises join hands with Ali for promotion
Updated: 2018-09-20    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The “National Day Golden Week” and “Double 11” online shopping event are approaching. The lighting industry in Zhongshan city is now actively preparing for the shopping season.

B2B domestic trade platform subordinated to Alibaba Group joined hands with Zhongshan lighting industry and conducted a product selection fair on September 15.

About 100 well-known lighting enterprises in Guzhen and Henglan town exhibited their new products at the event, attracting buyers and users’ orders and purchases.

Reportedly, will also carry out a platform-level on-line and off-line promotion recently, cooperating with national well-known industrial and professional markets. At the same time, will invited quality suppliers and buyers to build full-marketing scenes for product selection and docking and international marketing channel expansion of SMEs through conducting vertical industry summits. 

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