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Accelerating construction of technology enterprise accelerators
Updated: 2018-10-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The “Interim Procedures for Development of Technology Enterprise Accelerators of Zhongshan” was recently issued, according to Zhongshan Science and Technology Bureau. The Interim Procedures encourage new-type R&D institutions, towns, industrial parks and leading enterprises to construct accelerators, and mention to provide owners of identified technology enterprise accelerators with an 8-million-yuan one-time subsidy through municipal finance.

Technology enterprise accelerator is the carrier mainly serving high-growth technological companies through innovative and enterprise acceleration services. It can provide fast growing space for enterprise to develop rapidly and form new-type industrial cluster. These accelerators, which are built and managed jointly by municipal and township (district) authorities, will be Zhongshan’s important carriers of gathering innovative resources and supporting platforms of technological finance integration in the development of the Greater Bay Area. 

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