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HOME > News > The amended ‘Zhongshan Management Methods on Credit Information of Social Organizations’ implemented
The amended ‘Zhongshan Management Methods on Credit Information of Social Organizations’ implemented
Updated: 2018-10-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The newly amended “Zhongshan Management Methods on Credit Information of Social Organizations” has recently come into force and will be valid for 3 years, according to Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau.

The regulation mentions that social organizations, who conduct foreign-related activities, lectures or forums without reporting to civil affairs department and caused serious consequences, will be recorded in the “Abnormal List”. Social organizations with eight kinds of behaviors including “falsification in change of registration” will be recorded in the “Serious Illegal and Discreditable List”.

It is reported that Zhongshan had 2,301 registered social organizations by the end of September. 

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