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The first ‘Maker Bay Area’ Zhongshan TOITIEC launched
Updated: 2018-10-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The first “Maker Bay Area” Zhongshan Torch Optoelectronic Information Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (TOITIEC) 2018 sponsored by Torch Development Zone Management Committee kicked off on the morning of October 9.

The competition, with the theme “Forging Industry Highland, Innovation Leading the Future”, opens to technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and teams of optoelectronic information field and scientific research teams of universities and research institutes across the country. The whole event will last until late December and provides up to 1.5 million yuan total bonus.

At present, there are more than 140 photoelectric enterprises in Zhongshan, with output value of 52.47 billion yuan in 2017. Torch Zone has an about 60% share of the opto-electronics industry of the city.

Reportedly, Torch Zone proposes to develop an 8 to 10 million yuan photoelectric industrial cluster in 3 to 5 years’ time. 

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