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West District to build a TCM health and pastoral complex
Updated: 2018-10-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

New progress had been made in the development of the high-profile West District TCM (Chinese traditional medicine) Health Small Town, according to West District Office of Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government. A TCM health and pastoral complex called “The Health Regimen Yuesheng Park” will be built in the northern part of the small town.

The complex is located in Yuesheng Village of Longchang Community, with a total planned area of 2,685mu. It is divided into 4 main sections: the ecological garden, health preserving culture garden, technological industry zone and Yuesheng leisure village.

Reportedly, West District TCM Health Small Town covers an area of 2.78sqkm. It will focus on developing 6 major industries including health care service, pension service and TCM culture tourism.

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