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The Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen selected as ‘national study tour base’
Updated: 2018-10-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“The Implementation Suggestions on Promotion of Study Tour for Primary and Secondary School Students of Guangdong” (as The Suggestions below) will come into effect on November 1 this year.

The Suggestions mention study tour will become required course in primary and secondary schools in Guangdong. The tour will focus on native and county life for primary school students, situations of the city for junior high school students, and provincial and national conditions for senior high school students. 

The Suggestions mention to select and build a group of education bases for students’ study tour basing on patriotism, natural, historical and cultural, scientific and innovative and other resources. At present, 6 venues in Guangdong are selected the first “National Study Tour Education Bases”, including Guangdong Museum, Guangdong Science Center, “Shennong’s Humble Cottage” Chinese Traditional Medicine Museum in Guangzhou, Danxia Mountain National Nature Reserve in Shaoguan, Huadu District Weather Museum in Guangzhou, and The Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen based in Zhongshan. 

The Suggestions also mention that relevant attractions, venues and traffic departments should provide students with preferences and quality service. All study tours should be carried out under non-profit purpose and offered to poor family students with fee reduction. The expenditure of study tour should be raised through diversified methods.

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