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Three listed companies released performance forecast for Q1-Q3
Updated: 2018-10-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Another three Zhongshan-based listed companies, Topstrong, Sotech and Union-optech, released their performance forecasts for the first three quarters of the year on October 15. 

All three companies predict to be profitable in the first three quarters, but only Topstrong might realize overall growth. In specific, Topstrong estimates to get a profit from 47 million yuan to 55 million yuan, with an 11.02% to 31.09% growth year on year. Sotech estimates to get a profit from 26.5226 million yuan to 42.4361 million yuan, with a 20% to 50% year-on-year drop. Union-optech estimates to get a profit from 48.6439 million yuan to 62.5422 million yuan, with a 10% to 30% decrease on year-on-year basis. 

Besides, Palm Eco-Town Development also amended its performance forecast. The company lowered the profit expectations and estimated to get a profit from zero to 30 million yuan, with an 83.34% to 100% decrease year on year. 

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