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Cars ‘slow down in central city’ in September
Updated: 2018-10-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to September’s traffic operation report in central Zhongshan, the Traffic Performance Index in central city last month was 1.49, up 1.36% from August, Zhongshan Traffic Police Department said. But daily average travel speed slowed down by 0.08 km/h to 36.66 km/h from a month earlier.

Reportedly, Zhongshan’s average speed on roads has dropped for a second consecutive month.

By the end of September, Zhongshan’s motor vehicle population numbered 1.374 million. The daily average traffic volume in central city increased 1.73% to 1.3086 million vehicle-times. Traffic pressure is still increasing at morning and evening peak hours, at which time the average travel speed decreased 3.9% to 31.55 km/h.

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