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Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Institute founded
Updated: 2018-10-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Institute was founded on October 15 in Zhongshan.[Photo Xia Shengquan]

Many Cantonese opera artists gathered in Zhongshan and witnessed the establishment of Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Institute Monday afternoon.

At the founding ceremony, Xiangshan Cantonese Opera Institute signed an agreement with cooperative partner of “Greater Bay Area Drama Stage” program. Both sides will committed to inheritance and protection of Cantonese opera in future through talent team building, Cantonese opera work creation and cultural exchange, etc

Cantonese opera is one of the Lingnan cultural treasures. It was declared a “world intangible heritage” by UNESCO in 2009. 

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