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Zhongshan diver wins two golds in YOG
Updated: 2018-10-18    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The third match day of diving competition of The 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games (YOG) began on October 16, Beijing time. Zhongshan diver Lin Shan who played for the Chinese team won the champion of Women’s 3m Springboard with a total score of 505.50. 

It was the second gold medal she obtained in this YOG. Two days ago, the 17-year-old girl had won Women’s 10m Platform champion.

Reportedly, Li Shan was born in 2001. She entered Zhongshan Sports School in 2011 and was recommended to provincial team in 2013. The Zhongshan girl is now a rising star of the Chinese diving team. 

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