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Old factory turned into industrial park
Updated: 2018-10-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The V+ Internet Industrial Park locates at Longrui Village.[Photo by Sun Junjun]

“These crimson renovated buildings make up the V+ Internet Industrial Park, with a total area of 30 thousand square meters. They were previously work sheds for factory use.” Leader of village Party committee and villagers’ committee of Longrui Village of Shaxi Town Liu Quan said, pointing to the mix-and-match style park in front of him.

“The rental rate here has reached 98%, with more than 110 internet companies settled down,” responsible person of V+ Internet Industrial Park Li Zhixiong said. “Most of the companies are engaged with online clothing sales.”

From 2015, Longrui Village stepped on a unique rural revitalization path through old factory renovation and introduction of e-business enterprises. It has helped drive up sales of clothing wholesale markets such as Longrui International Garment City.

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