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Six Zhongshan families selected as ‘Guangdong Happy Family’
Updated: 2018-10-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Another one hundred families were announced the second “Guangdong Happy Family” recently by Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province (GDHFPC). Six Zhongshan families including Xiao Meiyong’s from Dachong Town, Su Mingzhao’s from Guzhen Town, Wei Caiping’s from Torch Zone, Peng Huibing’s from Shiqi District, Yan Lihao’s from Nantou Town, and Liao Honghui’s from Sanxiang Town received the honor.

Besides, Xiao Meiyong’s family was also recommended to the national “Happy Family” selection by GDHFPC.

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