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Zhongshan implements 3-year action plan for industrial product quality improvement
Updated: 2018-10-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan recently implements “The Three-year Action Plan for Industrial Product Quality Improvement (2018-2020)”, aiming to enhance industrial product quality and boost optimization and upgrade of traditional industries.

According to the action plan, Zhongshan will see remarkable improvement in industrial product quality by the end of 2020, with over 95% of product qualification ratio in manufacturing industry.

In terms of “promoting quality engineering”, the action plan specifies to provide support to at least 400 enterprises during 2018-2020, and to urge 1,600 enterprises to carry out technical reform by the end of 2020.

In terms of “quality safety monitoring”, at least 50% of local above-scale industrial enterprises are required to set up Chief Quality Officer (CQO) by the end of 2020.

Reportedly, there are more than 3,000 above-scale industrial enterprises in Zhongshan. By the end of last year, only 242 persons in Zhongshan had CQO certificate.

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