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‘City beauticians’ back with honors
Updated: 2018-10-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Jiang Guibiao, Peng Zhuqing, Zhang Pengcheng and He Shengbo (left to right) were awarded with “Guangdong Excellent Sanitation Worker” title.

It is the 25th Guangdong Sanitation Workers’ Day today.

Before the festival on October 23, Guangdong Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development and Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions awarded 25 advanced sanitation units and 130 sanitation workers with outstanding contribution across the province. Zhongshan Environmental Health Management Office won “Guangdong Advanced Unit of Sanitation Work”, while Jiang Guibiao, Peng Zhuqing, He Shengbo and Zhang Pengcheng were awarded with “Guangdong Excellent Sanitation Worker” title.

Reportedly, another Zhongshan sanitation worker Feng Huoyou was also entitled “National Model Worker of Urban-rural Development Organs” early this year.

Besides, Zhongshan will award staffs with 25 years’ of sanitation work experience on the Sanitation Workers’ Day this year.

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