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Citizens enjoy countryside tour
Updated: 2018-10-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Families battled in banana relay race.[Photo by Yu Zhaoyu]

The launching ceremony of The 2nd “Green Ecology, Beautiful Yicang” Happy Tour Event of The 2018 Zhongshan Daily Reader Culture Festival was held in Yicang Village, Minzhong Town on the morning of October 14. The event was part of the Zhongshan Rural Tourism Culture Festival.

More than 500 citizens participated in the event and experienced the charm of countryside tour through activities such as 3D graffiti cartoon orientation, banana relay race, salty song performance, fruit picking, cycling, special dishes tasting and etc.

The 1st “Waterside Style” Original Works Recitation Contest was also held on the day. The organizer presented the award to the contest winners.

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