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Only 3 days to start a business
Updated: 2018-10-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan plans to urge “separation of business licence and business certificate” reform from November 10, according to Zhongshan Industrial and Commercial Bureau. On the occasion, the time spent on starting a business will be further reduced to 3 days at the soonest .

Reportedly, Torch Development Zone has launched the separation reform on June 11 as a pilot, after which the processing time of relevant procedures was shortened by more than 70%.

From June 13 to October 18, Torch Development Zone has accepted a total of 1,857 “separation of business licence and business certificate” cases and issued 1,624 licenses. During the same period, Torch Development Zone added 2,042 market entities, with a 7.73% year-on-year increase.

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