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Zhongshan Marathon application opens
Updated: 2018-11-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Up to 15,000 runners participated in last year's Zhongshan Marathon.

The 2018 Zhongshan marathon is scheduled in mid-December. The application opens today, according to the organizing committee.

Zhongshan marathon this year sets 4 divisions, with a total of 16,000 participants including 3,000 of full marathon, 5,000 of half marathon, 4,000 of 10km “healthy run” and 4,000 of 5km “happy run”.

The application for full and half marathon starts at 10am today. Final participants will be decided through pre-registration and random draw. The application for “healthy run” and “happy run” will be available at 10am on November 5, and progress on a "first-come first served" basis. There will be no “group application” this year. 

Runners can sign up for the activity through official website ( and official WeChat account (“2018 Zhongshan Marathon”). Application fees for each division are: 150 yuan/person for full marathon, 100 yuan/person for half marathon, 80 yuan/person for “healthy run” and 80 yuan/person for “happy run”.

The age limit for full marathon, half marathon, “healthy run” and “happy run” will be 20, 18, 16 and 16 years old respectively. All participants are required to be under the age of 65 and are recommended to take physical check before the competition. 

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