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All old-age care institutions required to provide medical services within the year
Updated: 2018-11-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan recently implements “The Execute Solution on Promoting Integration of Medical Services and Old-age Services”.

According to the execute solution, in terms of “elderly care in nursing home”, all old-age care institutions in Zhongshan are required to provide medical services to checked-in elderly by the end of 2018. For old-age care institutions with at least 100 beds, the sickbed proportion (sickbed number over the total number of beds) should reach 5% by the end of 2020.

In terms of “community-based home care”, 80% of community-based old-age care institutions should cooperate with medical organizations to carry out elderly health services within this year. The proportion should reach 100% by the end of 2020.

In terms of “elderly care in medical organization”, by the end of this year, 65% of the aged above 65-year-old should register family doctor program, and 80% of medical organizations should open green channel for elderly patients. The figures should be 85% and 100% respectively by the end of 2020.

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