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Zhongshan companies participate in CIIE
Updated: 2018-11-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The first China International Import Expo kicked off Monday morning in Shanghai.[Photo/Xinhua]

The first China International Import Expo (CIIE), with a theme of “New Era, Shared Future”, kicked off Monday morning at National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). A total of 6,023 Guangdong companies participated in the event. Zhongshan participating companies with different procurement demands had successively set out for Shanghai since last Saturday.

From late last year, Zhongshan-based export-oriented enterprises had joined hands with overseas business partners for the event. Reportedly, bulk import commodity suppliers in the fields of energy-saving, high-end equipment, intelligent household, home entertainment equipment and high-end consumer goods such as red wine, seafood and beauty product in particular hope to deepen market exploration in Zhongshan and even the whole country through CIIE.

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