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China (Henglan) Flowers and Trees Expo concludes
Updated: 2018-11-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 China (Henglan) Flowers and Trees Expo cum The 2nd South China Landscape Industry Development Forum, with the theme “Beautiful Chinese Flowers and Trees Home, Charming Henglan Business”, concluded on November 3. More than 800 associations, enterprises, production and marketing merchants participated in the event. 

During the 2-day event, more than 14 associations and enterprises signed supply-demand agreements, the trading volume of which increased 33% year-on-year to over 200 million yuan.

24 South China-based associations also signed the framework agreement for the founding of “South China Flowers and Trees Industrial Alliance”, hoping to jointly create a pleasant ecological environment and promote healthy development of flowers and trees industry. 

Reportedly, over 20,000 visitors were attracted to the event. 

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