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Zhongshan companies show strong purchase intention in CIIE
Updated: 2018-11-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The first China International Import Expo (CIIE) kicked off Monday morning at National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). According to Zhongshan Commerce Bureau, Zhongshan participating companies have showed strong procurement intention and are expected to purchase dozens of products.

Aierwei is one of the large-scale trading companies based in Zhongshan. The company used to export household products and home appliances previously, its responsible person Tong Xuejiao says. But this time Aierwei hopes to find new trading channel, import quality products and increase trade share  through CIIE.

Reportedly, Zhongshan participating companies will mainly purchase high-end equipment, electric products, medical devices, raw materials for industrial production, high-end food such as red wine and seafood, and etc. 

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