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The 13th Zhongshan Forum for Health and Development to kick off
Updated: 2018-11-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 13th Zhongshan Forum for Health and Development cum The 2018 Wu Jieping Medicine Prize Presentation Ceremony will be carried out from November 16 to November 18 in Zhongshan, according to National Health Technology Park (NHTP).

Experts including Bai Chunli, director of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shi Yigong, president of Westlake University, as well as Nobel Chemistry Prize winners and specialists of the World Bank will be invited to the event for giving keynote speeches and participating in seminars.

Reportedly, there have been up to 300 pharmaceutical enterprises in NHTP, the organizer of the event. Since the beginning of the year, NHTP has developed cooperation with 18 parties including Thermo Fisher, Akesobio, Xynomic Pharmaceuticals, Iinda, icarbio therapeutics and etc, with a total investment of over 3 billion yuan. 

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