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Zhongshan companies achieve cooperation at Canton Fair
Updated: 2018-11-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 124th Canton Fair came close on November 4. A total of 148 Zhongshan companies participated in the event. According to Zhongshan Commerce Bureau, the intended turnover of Zhongshan exhibitors amounted to $443mn. 

Neptum Sanitary Ware Co Ltd, one of the exhibiting companies, is the largest exporter in the shower room industry in Zhongshan, with more than 90% of its products exported. Neptum’s responsible person Tang Yongbo says the company has reached cooperative intention with many customers along The Belt and Road this year. 

Reportedly, The 125th Canton Fair will be open on April 15, 2019. Zhongshan has begun the application for exhibition areas of the event. 

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