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Zhongshan implements funding measures for old-age care institutions
Updated: 2018-11-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau and Zhongshan Finance Bureau jointly released the “Zhongshan Funding Measures for Old-age Care Institutions” days before, aiming to improve the city’s elderly care services.

“The Measures” has taken effect since November 12, 2018 and will be valid for 5 years.

According to “The Measures”, the government will finance private non-profit nursing institutions and community-based nursing homes in Zhongshan in terms of opening and operation.

For newly-opened private non-profit nursing institutions, the subsidies will be calculated in accordance with the number of beds. The subsidizing will last for three years.

For each newly-opened nursing home in community, the government will provide a one-time subsidy of 100,000 yuan.

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