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The latest subsidies catalogue of urgently-needed skilled professionals released
Updated: 2018-11-16    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 Subsidies Catalogue of Urgently-needed Skilled Professionals of Zhongshan was released on November 14.

Some adjustments have been made in accordance with industrial development needs for the catalogue that still focuses on manufacturing sector. Specifically, 6 professions have been removed from the catalogue while 3 were added.

The 6 removed include grinder, instrument maintainer, (CNC) borer operator, operator and adjuster of multi-process CNC machine tool and machining center, gas appliance installer and repairer, and e-commerce engineer.

The 3 added include Chinese cook (technician and senior technician), handicraftsman and carpenter (fine woodworking direction), and car mechanic (technician and senior technician).

The new catalogue will take effect on December 1, 2018. 

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