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Zhongshan company sells own-brand products to over 30 countries
Updated: 2018-11-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Self-developed equipment is utilized in Changwei's workshop.[Photo by Huang Fan]

Brand new production equipment was operating at the factory of Zhongshan Chengwei Technology Company, which is situated at Tanzhou Town. The first stage of the company, including the “ink jet department” and “laser department”, was put into operation in July this year.

The factory will be the headquarter and the equipment and material base of the company, says Zhao Zhixiang, president of Chengwei Technology.

Both departments have 100% independent intellectual property for their products, Zhao adds.

In the past 5 years, backed by core technologies, Chengwei Technology sells 30% of its own-brand products to over 30 countries through both online and offline marketing approaches. 

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