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Zhongshan announces the funding list for physical bookstore projects
Updated: 2018-11-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 Funding List for Physical Bookstore Projects was recently released by Zhongshan Culture, Radio, TV, Press and Publication Bureau. A total of 19 projects are eligible for a total subsidy of 896,000 yuan.

According to the list, Xinhua Bookstore’s “Promotion of ‘Reading for All’”, Pok Art Bookstore’s “Wonderful Reading, Public Reading” and other 7 projects are eligible for subsidy of 105,000 yuan, while Zhongshan Postal’s “Benefit Book Fair”, Universal Gravitation Bookstore’s “Upgrading and Promotion of Diversified Reading Spaces” and other 8 projects are eligible for a 791,000 yuan subsidy.

Reportedly, the city implemented proposed regulations on funding physical bookstores in April this year, aiming to financially support physical bookstore with innovative business projects, bookstore transformation demand and mass reading cultural activities through project subsidization, interest subsidies and rewards.

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