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ZSFDA live broadcasts unannounced inspection for the first time
Updated: 2018-11-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Zhongshan Food and Drug Administration (ZSFDA) once again innovated its “Civil Restaurant Inspection” campaign. Partnering, ZSFDA for the first time live broadcast an unannounced inspection on November 28, which received good reviews from netizens.

The inspection was conducted at Xiaolan Senior High School. Earlier this semester, the school changed the contractor of its dining hall, but received complaints from students and parents afterwards. During an online poll, the school’s dining hall was voted the “most-wanted inspection target”.

On the afternoon of the day, the inspection group, led by ZSFDA’s vice director Wu Yongsen, examined the tableware sterilization area, rough processing zone, storage, cooking area and food distribution area of the dining hall along with citizen representatives and media.

The dining hall was rated “generally in a good condition” after the inspection, with “basically clean and tidy environment”, “orderly operation” and “qualified food processing”. For existing problems, ZSFDA ordered the school to rectify within a definite time.

Reportedly, the 90-minute live broadcast attracted about 190,000 viewers, most of which spoke highly of the action. 

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