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Some 8 Hong Kong teams intend to settle in ZSOSPP
Updated: 2018-12-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The “China Zhongshan Overseas Students Pioneer Park Innovation and Entrepreneurship Environment Promotion Conference in Hong Kong” hosted by administration committee of Torch Development Zone and Zhongshan Overseas Students Pioneer Park (ZSOSPP) was held on the afternoon of December 3 in Hong Kong.

ZSOSPP, Hong Kong Innoangel Fund, Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement at the conference. The three parties aim to carry out all-round cooperation in the fields of health care, photoelectric information, intelligent equipment manufacturing and etc to jointly promote the industrial development of two cities.

Some 8 Hong Kong innovation teams also signed settlement intention letter with ZSOSPP on the same day.

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