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Sanjiao park: spreads ‘green seeds’, breeds ‘technology forest’
Updated: 2018-12-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Diyin Lake small town in Sanjiao.[Photo by Xia Shengquan]

Sanjiao park, part of the municipal industrial platform, is of particularly favourable regional advantages. With the positioning of “traffic hub”, “major advanced manufacturing town” and “education and innovation town”, Sanjiao park so far has attracted 30 projects, with total investment of 30 billion yuan.

At Sino-Germany Cooperated Vocational Talent Training Base, which is located in the beautiful “Diyin Lake” small town, students were making step shafts on their own. They are growing up to high-skilled talents.

The training base, with a total investment of 300 million yuan, covers an area of 12,000sqm. It adopts German talent training mode and standard and carries out localized practice of the German “dual system” education. The base aims at fostering urgently-needed professionals and top craftsmen for enterprises.

The base opened courses last September and so far has 566 students. The number of students is expected to grow to 1,000 in the future.

In the same park, SYSVAX bio-pharmaceutical company is preparing the construction of the incubation base for vaccines of serious infectious diseases, therapeutic antibody drugs of serious diseases, and related products.

With regional advantages and “green technological development” positioning, Sanjiao park attracts SYSVAX and its overseas returned talented person team.

According to Pei Yonghua, quality management and purchasing manager of SYSVAX, the company’s incubation base in Zhongshan will be built in three stages. At present the stage one is under construction, the pilot test workshop of which will be operational first for 3 new vaccines. In the future, the pilot test workshop will be developed into a common service platform.

Basing on municipal industrial platform and Man Sum Information Technology Industrial Park, Sanjiao park puts priority on the development of advanced manufacturing industries such as precision electronics, new generation of information technology, health medicine, intelligent equipment, etc and relevant modern service industries such as scientific education and R&D, technological reform, incubation of common technologies, etc. It strives to be an important high-tech cluster and an innovation highland of Zhongshan.

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