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'Love 100', full marks for love
Updated: 2018-12-24    Source: Large Medium Small Print

The first "Love 100" Charitable Venture was launched on June 26, 2013 in Zhongshan. With the "1+1+1" mode - "party and government departments + social organizations + people and companies" - the activity brings civil good-hearted people and grass-root social organizations into connection with social governance. In 5 years' time, "Love 100" attracted many "golden ideas" and public welfare programs which helped resolve grassroots governance problems.

New mode leads to close cooperation

Zhongshan has been a love city for long. In 1988, the first Zhongshan Charity Parade was launched and bred the first volunteers. In January 2009, Zhongshan's first social worker agency was founded. Later in 2012 and 2013, the municipal government successfully implemented policies on social work team building and social worker-volunteer cooperation, hoping to promote innovative social governance.

On June 26, 2013, the first "Love 100" Charitable Venture was launched. Zhongshan Social Governance and Innovation Fund set up special seed capital to solicit public welfare programs from local social worker agencies, voluntary groups and grass-root social organizations.

In just a month's time, the organizing committee collected nearly 600 program applications from these organizations, according to mass work director of municipal politics and law committee Yi Jian, one of the witnesses of "Love 100" campaign.

Citizens 'take orders', charity 'pair food'

In Guzhen, many children who finish school will come together to Tongyi Industrial Park for their "430 after-school class" at 4:30 on every afternoon from Monday to Friday.

In central city, on the days around every World Book and Copyright Day since 2014, a group of reading lovers will carry out the "72-hour Book Store" activity to offer younger generation special reading experiences.

Over the past 5 years, "Love 100" campaign has been changing citizens' lives little by little.

There were only 4 organizing committee members at the first "Love 100" activity, but 12 in 2018. "The charm of 'Love 100' lies in the participating social organizations in particular grass-root ones who have advantages in finding citizens' specific needs," Yi Jian says. "'Government follows people's wishes in exercising governance'. Public services will be valuable only when people are benefited."

In recent years, municipal governmental organs, including organization department, united front work department, party working committee of new economic and social organizations as well as culture, radio, television, press and publication bureau, and NGOs had jointly developed "Citizens 'take orders', charity "pair food'" pattern by building characteristic sections for "Love 100" campaign.

The basic platform for exploring 'unified social governance'

After 5 years' development, "Love 100" activity has become the basic platform for exploring "unified social governance". The city has expanded the charity coverage and enhanced citizens' participating enthusiasm in social governance with "Love 100".

Statistics show that the past six "Love 100" activities have attracted 4,004 social organizations and grass-root volunteer teams and collected 8,049 charity programs and ideas.

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