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Regulation coming to 147 inner-rivers in the central group area
Updated: 2019-01-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan plans to regulate a total of 1,041 rivers (sections) within 15 basins of the city.

Specifically, in the central group area, some 158 inner-rivers (sections) distributed throughout 5 districts and 3 towns are in serious need of regulation. An official representative of the Agent-Construction Office of the Zhongshan Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau stated that the entire regulation program consists of 5 projects. Among these projects are "The Flood Discharge Channel of the Evergrande Oasis Residential Community," "Water Treatment for 10 Polluted Rivers in Central City," and three other projects.

Renovation of the flood discharge channel of the Evergrande Oasis was finished last year. The channel is now in the water curing period.

Water treatment for 10 of the polluted rivers in central city, comprising a total length of 23 kilometers, is in the dredging and pipeline rehabilitation stage.

Regulations of 147 inner-rivers within the central group area, comprising 302 kilometers in total length, will be set in place this year. The construction bids on Project One, which involved 40 inner-rivers in Gangkou Town, and Project Three, which involved 64 inner-rivers in South District, Shaxi Town, Dachong Town, and Wuguishan District, have both been completed. Meanwhile, the construction bid for Project Two, which involves 43 inner-rivers in East District, Shiqi District, and West District, has recently begun.

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