After the trial operation that lasts a month and a half, the Zhongshan "Vegetable Basket" Information Platform ( has been put into service. Information regarding the platform's launch was announced by the Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau.
The "Vegetable Basket" platform contains four educational sections. Namely, they are, "Market Observation," "Market Analysis," "Policies and Regulations," and "Price Information." The platform essentially covers all production, supply, and marketing information involved in the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail process of farm produce and other products.
The platform collects pricing information on 75 products in 10 different categories including cereals, cooking oil, livestock, poultry, eggs, vegetables, fruits, dried foods, processed foods, and aquatic products. This information is compiled from 27 local markets, and the average prices are then published online.
In addition, other authoritative information such as "market dynamics," "farm production, circulation, and consumption monitoring information," "analysis and prediction," "latest policies," and more will be published on the platform on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually basis.
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