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Zhongshan sees rapid development in emerging, traditional manufacturing industries
Updated: 2019-01-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Early this month, the National Health and Technology Park (NHTP) signed a project agreement with an ACI (adoptive cellular immunotherapy) team, who plans to build a cellular immunity preparation company within the park.

The move is the extension of the introduction of high-tech projects and top talent teams as well as the promotion of high quality development that NHTP had been working on since last year.

In the past 2018, Zhongshan made achievements in resource aggregation and high quality development. A batch of local companies had occupied the leading places among peers depending on technological innovation.

In an effort to speed up the development of strategic emerging industries, Zhongshan introduced 3 actions plans in August 2018. According to the plans, by the end of 2022, the production value of above-scale high-end equipment manufacturing industry, new generation of information technology industry, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry will respectively reach 150bn yuan, 120bn yuan and 120bn yuan.

The municipal government also introduced "The Transformation and Upgrading Action plan for Competitive Traditional Industries (2018-2020)". The city plans to carry out digital, network-based, intelligent and green technological reform in competitive traditional manufacturing industries.

Figures about high quality development

Zhongshan is pursuing development basing on the innovation-driven strategy. In 2018, the city has a number of over 2,300 high-tech companies.

Among "The 2018 Top 50 High-tech Zhongshan Firms" selected by Guangdong R&D Center for Technological Economy, 17 were from advanced manufacturing and automation area, 16 were from electronic information area, 6 were from new energy and energy-saving area, and 5 were from bio-medicine area.

As of December of 2018, Zhongshan has 65 identified municipal-level or above technology company incubators, including 5 national incubators, 5 national maker spaces, 2 provincial international maker spaces, 11 provincial incubators, and 10 provincial maker spaces.

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