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'Zhongshan Commercial Development Plan' available for public review
Updated: 2019-02-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Zhongshan Commerce Bureau has recently published the "Zhongshan Commercial Development Plan 2019-2035." The complete plan is now available for public review.

The plan divides development planning into three phases; namely, they are short-term (2019-2022), medium-term (2023-2028), and long-term (2029-2035).

According to the plan, Zhongshan proposes to develop and complete its traditional commerce focus on "6 municipal commercial centers, 15 regional commercial centers, and community-based commercial centers." Zhongshan's online retail business focus will be on "network terminal + online shopping + express delivery + express distribution."

Specifically, the 6 municipal commercial centers include the "Happy Harbour" (a tourist theme based commercial center), the Zhongshan Headquarters Economic Zone Commercial Center, the Xiaolan "Chrysanthemum City" Commercial Center, the Tsuihang New District Commenrcial Center, the Sanjiao Diyin Lake Commercial Center, and the Tanzhou Yuzhou Commercial Center.

Complying with the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the plan also takes into consideration the projected increased consumption demands of the resident population after the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge opens in 2024. It is estimated that, as of 2035, Zhongshan will have a resident population of 5.5 to 6 million.

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