Jitou Road in Xiaolan. [Photo/Zhongshan Daily]
Xiaolan became the first town in Zhongshan to implement the "road-side parking charging policy" from July 8. The turnover rate of the parking spaces has significantly increased in the first week of implementation thanks to the intelligent parking management system.
It is reported that Xiaolan has introduced the Guanxin Cloud Parking System to manage road-side parking. With the underground geomagnetic sensors, the system is able to automatically identify a car when it enters the parking space and start timing. Drivers only need to attach their cars to the the account on an app, fill in the parking space number, and pay through WeChat or Alipay before leaving. This is how the intelligent parking management works.
With the GPS-based "Guanxin Cloud Parking" app, drivers can also easily find available road-side parking spaces. Presently, over 20,000 users have signed up for the app.
As of July 14, the average turnover rate of parking spaces on Jitou Road, the first charging road for road-side parking in Xiaolan, almost tripled from 15 times (before the policy was implemented) to currently 44 times per day.
A total of 9 roads charge for road-side parking. The parking fee income will be used for the operation of the system and the public transport improvement.
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